
by 臺灣福音書房(TWGBR)

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"Childrens Teaching Materials" is a digital version of the APP, a complete set of twelve series. It is a set of character and spiritual education courses designed for children and children aged three to twelve.

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《兒童教材》數位呈現版APP收錄臺灣福音書房所發行兒童教材系列,乃一套專為三至十二歲幼兒及兒童設計的性格及屬靈教育課程, 全套共十二輯:教師手冊共十二冊,另有親子圖畫書九冊及親子手冊三十冊,適用於Android手機、平板電腦使用。兒童教材(01)當我是個小小嬰孩:適用:幼稚園小班。四十八個兒童短篇故事,以人物或動物為角色,幫助兒童認識聖經中十二項的人性美德—殷勤、清潔、溫柔、和平、謙讓、寬容、喜樂、信心、恩慈、恆忍、順服、節制,每單元共四課,帶進性格操練及生活常規之建立。另有親子圖畫書六冊,圖文並茂,有國語注音,每冊八個故事,含二項性格。供家長講述,亦可供較大孩童閱讀。兒童教材(02)聖靈的果子:適用:幼稚園中班上學期。二十四則聖經及歷代屬靈人物的真實故事,性格的榜樣。從聖經中的比喻和事例教導性格,養成兒童良好與人相處的性格。另有親子圖畫書三冊,每冊八個故事。兒童教材(03)起初神創造:適用:幼稚園中班下學期。啟發幼兒從小認識並珍賞神奇妙偉大的創造,並學習在凡事上敬畏、尊崇、讚美、感謝神。另有親子手冊二冊。兒童教材(04)瞧!我是人:適用:幼稚園大班。認識、珍賞神創造的中心-人。認識人有靈、魂、體三部分及其功用;進而寶愛自己,並珍賞、友愛所有的人。另有親子手冊四冊。兒童教材(05)小明燈:適用:國小一年級。認識神安排的各種人際關係與等次,從人物的榜樣學習與人相處之道。培養兒童活出正確的為人生活,如同小明燈彰顯神。另有親子手冊四冊。兒童教材(06)十誡:適用:國小二年級。認識神、神的名、神的所是和屬性,並認識神聖的律法-十條誡命。從小學習敬畏神、遵行神的話。另有親子手冊四冊。兒童教材(07)雲彩-舊約人物:適用:國小三年級。認識舊約人物的榜樣如何蒙神呼召,走神生命的路,過敬虔的生活,成為信的見證人,如同雲彩圍繞;激勵兒童奔屬天的賽程。另有親子手冊四冊。兒童教材(08)活石—新約人物:適用:國小四年級上學期。介紹新約聖經重要人物的榜樣,培養兒童一生跟隨主、愛主,為主傳福音並作見證的心志,進而被成全為建造召會的活石。另有親子手冊二冊。兒童教材(09)榮美的神人耶穌:適用:國小四年級下學期。介紹整本聖經的中心人物—主耶穌基督的為人生活,與祂所經過的種種過程,以珍賞主耶穌在人性美德中彰顯神聖的屬性。另有親子手冊二冊。兒童教材(10)人人需要耶穌:適用:國小五年級。認識主奇妙的身分-神、人、君王、奴僕,及主耶穌在地上的所說、所作、所教導的一切,能應付每一種人的需要。另有親子手冊四冊。兒童教材(11)救恩之路:適用:國小六年級上學期。認識神為人豫備的完整救恩,實際帶領兒童經歷得救的路:悔改、相信、呼求、受浸。並認識主日、擘餅及得救的證實。另有親子手冊二冊。兒童教材(12)初信之旅:適用:國小六年級下學期。帶領兒童過健康的召會生活,建立屬靈的基本操練,過身體的生活,為主申言、傳福音。認識召會的歷史與主的恢復,豫備他們成為主合用的器皿。另有親子手冊二冊。The digital version of "Childrens Textbook" APP includes a series of childrens textbooks issued by Taiwan Gospel Book Room. It is a set of character and spiritual education courses specially designed for children and children aged 3 to 12. The set consists of 12 series: a total of 10 teachers manuals. Two volumes, nine parent-child picture books and thirty parent-child manuals, suitable for Android phones and tablets.Childrens textbook (01) When I was a little baby:Applicable: Kindergarten small class. Forty-eight short stories for children, featuring characters or animals, to help children recognize the twelve human virtues in the Bible—diligence, cleanliness, gentleness, peace, humility, tolerance, joy, faith, kindness, long-suffering, obedience, self-control, There are four lessons in each unit, which bring in character training and the establishment of daily routines. In addition, there are six volumes of parent-child picture books, with pictures and texts, with Mandarin phonetics, eight stories in each volume, including two characters. For parents to narrate, but also for older children to read.Childrens Textbook (02) Fruit of the Holy Spirit:Applicable: Kindergarten middle class in the first semester. Twenty-four true stories of the Bible and spiritual figures of all ages, role models of character. Teach character from parables and examples from the Bible, and develop childrens character to get along well with others. There are also three volumes of parent-child picture books, each with eight stories.Childrens textbook (03) In the beginning God created:Applicable: Kindergarten middle class after semester. To inspire young children to know and appreciate Gods wonderful and great creation from an early age, and learn to fear, honor, praise and thank God in everything. There are also two parent-child manuals.Childrens Textbook (04) Look! Im a human:Applicable: Kindergarten class. Know and appreciate the center of Gods creation - man. Knowing that human beings have three parts, spirit, soul, and body and their functions; and then cherish oneself, and appreciate and love all people.There are also four parent-child manuals.Childrens teaching material (05) small light:Applicable to: the first grade of elementary school. Know the various interpersonal relationships and levels arranged by God, and learn how to get along with others from the example of the characters. Cultivate children to live a correct human life, like a small beacon to reveal God. There are also four parent-child manuals.Childrens Textbook (06) Ten Commandments:Applicable: The second grade of elementary school. Knowing God, Gods name, Gods being and attributes, and knowing the divine law - the Ten Commandments. Learn to fear God and obey Gods words from an early age. There are also four parent-child manuals.Childrens Textbook (07) Clouds - Old Testament Characters:Applicable to: the third grade of elementary school. Know how the role models of the Old Testament characters are called by God, walk the way of Gods life, live a godly life, and become witnesses of faith, surrounded by clouds; inspire children to run the race to heaven. There are also four parent-child manuals.Childrens Teaching Materials (08) Living Stones - New Testament Characters:Applicable: The first semester of the fourth grade of elementary school. Introduce the role models of important figures in the New Testament, cultivate childrens will to follow the Lord, love the Lord, preach the gospel and testify for the Lord throughout their lives, and then be perfected as living stones for the building of the church. There are also two parent-child manuals.Childrens textbook (09) The beautiful God-man Jesus:Applicable: The next semester of the fourth grade of elementary school. Introduce the central character of the whole Bible - the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the various processes He has gone through, in order to appreciate the Lord Jesus display of divine attributes in the virtues of humanity. There are also two parent-child manuals.Childrens Textbook (10) Everyone Needs Jesus:Applicable: Fifth grade of elementary school. Knowing the wonderful identity of the Lord—God, man, king, slave, and everything the Lord Jesus said, did, and taught on earth can meet every human need. There are also four parent-child manuals.Teaching Materials for Children (11) The Way of Salvation:Applicable: The first semester of the sixth grade of elementary school. Knowing the complete salvation that God has prepared for man, and actually leading children to experience the way to salvation: repentance, belief, cry, and baptism. And know the Lords Day, the breaking of bread, and the confirmation of salvation. There are also two parent-child manuals.Childrens Textbooks (12) Journey to Beginners:Applicable: The next semester of the sixth grade of elementary school. Lead the children to live a healthy church life, establish basic spiritual disciplines, live a physical life, and prophesy and preach the gospel for the Lord. Knowing the history of the church and the Lords recovery prepares them to be the Lords useful vessels. There are also two parent-child manuals.